Nikko Craws

Nikko Craw's ultra realistic and highly detailed design with arched body angles and wide claw stance project a vulnerable defensive posture at a new level of realism. With Nikko's super tough floating material, the claws will float up at rest and will hold up to many fish without being torn off. Infused with all-natural crustacean based scent, the scent can be recharged just by stretching. Size:  3.2"

Two versions of craws are available.
Original material - 5 craws per pack (mudbug, eclipse, blue moon)
New softer material - 4 craws per pack (six colors)

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12 Products

Product ImageProduct NameBrand/SKUPrice Quantity
Nikko Craw - Mudbug (#432)

Brand: Nikko Fishing

SKU: 432


Brand: Nikko Fishing

SKU: 434


Brand: Nikko Fishing

SKU: 896


Brand: Nikko Fishing

SKU: 437


Brand: Nikko Fishing

SKU: 439


Brand: Nikko Fishing

SKU: 440


Brand: Nikko Fishing

SKU: 895


Brand: Nikko Fishing

SKU: 894


Brand: Nikko Fishing

SKU: 438



Brand: Nikko Fishing


0 Items